Overview of Edwards Curve Digital Signature Algorithm and related curves

Ed25519 as a growing standard

Ed22519 is a variant of the EdDSA algorithm that was proposed in 2011. It was constructed in a way that provides extra protection from side channel attacks then ECDSA. Recently has grown quite popular for use in digital signature algorithms and has proliferated the Blockchain space ... add more ...


Jubjub is a Edward's Curve variant that relies on some clever algebra to reduce the number of contraints per bit of a scalar field. It was created by the ZCash team and built on top of the BLS12-381 scalar field

Jubjub implementation: https://github.com/zkcrypto/jubjub


A memeber of the BN curve family created by Paulo Barreto and Michael Nahring. It is built over a 254 bit prime field. .... Add more ....


An elliptic curve equation containing two separate curves. .... Add more .....

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