
Prefab library of commonly needed circuits - circomlib is for Circom what @openzeppelin/contracts is for solidity

circomlib is a companion repository to the Circom language officially released and maintained by Iden3. It contains all of the necessary primitives you need for basic operations within your circuits. The circomlib library is similar to @openzeppelin/contracts for Solidity in premise. Accompanying the main circomlib library is the circomlibjs JavaScript-based library. All components contained in the circomlib library can be driven using circomlibjs. As you begin to extend these templates into your own circuits, make sure to keep Anonymous Templates in mind. Check out Circom Language > Components and Templates > Anonymous Templates for an exploration of the shortcut on one-time use of components.

This section only contains the essential, easy-to-use components provided by circomlib. The components not included are for those who do not need BattleZips!

The circomlib repository contains unit testing for all of its templates. Use them for additional insight into their integration with your circuits.

Last updated